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AFG respects personal privacy and attaches great importance to the relationship with customers, and AFG is proud to obtain customers' support and respect by providing customers with privacy protection on personal data; According to strict security measures, all personal data collected by AFG will be guaranteed. The provisions in this notice apply to former customers, existing customers and applicants. The following privacy statement explains how AFG financial collects and protects your information. According to the privacy statement, once you open an account with AFG or use our website, you agree that AFG collects and uses your personal information according to the contents of the privacy agreement.


We use cookies and network beacons (also known as network behavior tags or single pixel GIF images), and other technologies (collectively known as cookies) to obtain available data to improve your user experience and help us better understand you. Cookies are small text files that are sent by a web server and may be saved on your computer. Through cookies, we can know how you visit our website, when you visit the website and the page you visit, and identify that you have logged in when we receive a page access request from your web browser. We may point the information saved in the cookie to the personally identifiable information you submitted on our website. We will never disclose this information to any third party. Cookies can be read by us and do not contain any personal information, account or password information. We cannot and will not collect your browsing information on other websites.

We may share users' access to our website with reputable advertising companies for the purpose of Internet advertising positioning. The shared information cannot be used for personal identification. We may also use third-party software to track and analyze access and traffic data, including page requests, form requests and click paths. Such tracking may set cookies on behalf of AFG.

All web browsers allow you to set blocking cookies. If your web browser is set to allow cookies, you agree that we use cookies in the above way. If you choose to block cookies, you can still use our services, but some features may not run as originally designed.